Spring Writers Retreat with Melissa Helton
Troublesome Creek Writers’ Retreats offer a fun and relaxing weekend on the Hindman Settlement School campus during one of our most beautiful seasons. Facilitated by accomplished writers and authors, these retreats are kept small–between 15-20 participants–so that attendees can write in community, without the demands of a structured workshop, but still with the opportunity to participate in facilitated discussions and sessions. Here is an opportunity to write, read, and fellowship, away from the hustle of everyday life.
The retreat begins on the evening of Friday, April 11 and concludes at your leisure on Sunday, April 13. Registration fee includes lodging in one of our on-campus cottages (double-occupancy) and meals from three meals (dinner on Friday and lunch/dinner on Saturday).
About the Facilitator
Melissa Helton, previously a tenured associate professor of English at Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College, serves as the literary arts director for the Hindman Settlement School. She is the editor of Troublesome Rising, a visceral and powerful anthology in which well-known and emerging Appalachian writers create not only a historical document and an in-depth investigation of the late July 2022 catastrophic flash flood in eastern Kentucky, but also a celebration of Appalachian strength, determination, and resilience.
Her work has been published in Shenandoah, Still: The Journal, Anthology of Appalachian Writers, Appalachian Review, the Norwegian Writers’ Climate Campaign, and more. Her chapbooks include Inertia: A Study and Hewn